Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I saw some blogger pictures of the new multi-chromes from ILNP and knew I had to try them. I bought the two that appealed to me the most -- Cygnus Loop & Birefringence.  They looked similar yet different and I couldn't decide which one to get so I bought them both! And now that I've tried them both, I feel the same way. They are so much alike yet there are differences that makes me need to keep both of them. 

Below I'm wearing Birefringence on my nails except for my pointer finger where I'm wearing Cygnus Loop.  See? You can't really see the difference here... but in person you sure can.  Cygnus Loop is a sultry purple shifting to pink while Birefringence was a little bit of everything happening.  We had purple, blue, pink... It was pretty cool!  But if I had to pick a favorite between the two, I'm not sure I could. 

I also wound up using Enchanted Polish Ciao Milano as a topper.  I just couldn't resist. Ciao Milano is quickly becoming one of my favorite polishes and I'm not sure why I waited so long to get it and I wish I would have gotten the rest of the Big City Lights collection from Enchanted when they were available. 

Have you tried the ILNP multi-chromes? What are your thoughts?


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